Let's be acquainted

Let's be acquainted
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суббота, 24 апреля 2010 г.

Logic for kids. Sequences. Homemade games.

Today we played a game "make a sequence".
I have given to Seva 2 triangles and 2 squares of one colour, and then 2 triangles and 2 squares of other colour. We took for game two sets of figures.
I have asked my son to invent the sequence from one set for his choice. He has done a variant #1. I saw he liked it.
I 've paid attention, that there can be another sequence from these parts. We did it.

Then I cut two more sets of figures and ask Seva to try to think if it is possible to make more sequences from our parts.
And as a result - there is a colored list of possible sequences on the table.

Tomorrow I will try to make this game more difficult and ask him to invent more possible sequences from a double set of figures without separating one from another.

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