I 'll tell you about my thoughts on t theme as it is possible to enter the kid into the world of money and commodity-market relations.
Background of my reflexions:Once for a long time, at university, till a birth of my child, I have read the book of R.Kiosaki - "the Rich daddy - the Poor daddy".
The book is about to what poor parents cannot learn the child and to that the rich can. At that time it was the best seller. I cannot tell you that everything that I read, has been apprehended without objection. Something has surprised me, has inspired, and something from his reflexions has set thinking and disagree.
For example, I have not found one thing in his book. Kiosaki has devoted the life to earning money. He has reflected on a theme of children's education much. (He reflected on to what his father could not learn him and to that usually do not learn children) etc. But he has not left a place for the child in own life . And, telling the truth, I'm upset with that. I'm still wondered why.
I would not like to think that concept "children" has been brought in the category "passive". Because children demand infinite investments.
Nevertheless, I am very grateful to Kiosaki for ideas. I am grateful to him that he has forced me to reflect and search.
I search till now... but I can share some ideas with you.
For the small childrenThe first our conversations on "economic" themes were very early. Probably, since a birth. You have thought, I am the madwoman?
You will not hear from me anything especial. A child hears that his daddy goes for work, earns money. I tried to pay attention of my child to similar conversations.
I was not afraid to pay attention of the child to a money. In shop, ( to absolutely small Seva sitting at me on hands), I explained the actions by simple words. "It is shop, Look, here it is a lot of goods. What to choose? Well... We will go to the toy department, it is a cash desk, it is a cashier. The cashier works here. After work she goes home to the children. Our daddy goes to job too.
We will give money to the cashier - She will allow us to take things which we have chosen".
It is wellknown. Use many themes in conversations with your child and its lexicon will be extensive. The child will have more intelligent perception of these themes in advanced age.
I consider that conversations on a theme of commodity-money relations are not an exception.
The child grows up, starts to talk and tells the first "BUY". It seems to me this moment is the the best time to acquaint the child with the world of money, world of work and commodity relations...
We do it through game. (we = parents :))
Here is one of our games :Game Is called
"JOB".I hold on knees a box with toy cars. I give to my son five coins (Preliminary I wash money with soap). I say Seva that I am the seller of cars. I suggest him to buy any car.
To buy - means to exchange for money. One car - one coin. He is happy and quickly changes all money for cars. Money come to an end but I have more cars. Seva is going to return his money back to buy more cars. I do not give him money. I suggest to earn money almost as our daddy. Seva does not like to go by bicycle though the orthopedist very recommended to do it. I suggest him to transport toy hare on the other end of our room by bicycle. And hare will pay Seva one coin for it.
Complication elements are gradually added in the game:1 element: I add different coins of 10 and 20. The car price has increased. I explain that it is possible to pay one coin 20 or two 10.
2 element: We have a new hero - teddy bear. The teddy bear wishs to buy a car at Seva. Bear would like to buy a toy very much. So much that it is ready to pay 40 - the double price. I prompt that Seva can buy two cars.
We praise our cars to our toys. Some toys agree to bye the car for double price - others are not agree. Sometimes nobody agree.
It is necessary to go by a bicycle again (To take for a ride a hare, To help the yard keeper Cat to sweep a floor)
Here many variants are possible.
3 element:We do not sell our cars. But we can give them for coins (1х10). The number of coins increases = the number of cars increases. Seva buys additional cars.Further it is possible to complicate and complicate, all depends on your imagination.
(Continuation follows...)